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. 35mm color slides from your digital camera images 35mm Color Slides as low as $1.49 each!

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Imagine your digital camera images printed into beautiful 35mm color slides! Preserve your memories forever before your hard drive fails.

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Image Requirements
Digital Camera Requirements
Create a lamp shade from your color slides
Film Scanned to Digital Images
Movie Theater Advertising Slides
Church Hymn Slides
Create ViewMaster Reel Slides
Slides for Artists
Zapplication Image Conversion
Advanced Placement Art Class Slides
Art College Application Slides
Slides from Scanned Prints
PowerPoint Slides
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How does this process work?

35mm color slide Prepare your files for 35mm color slides. For images visit the Image Requirements link and for PowerPoint slides visit the PowerPoint link.

35mm color slide Place your order with the ::Click to Begin Your Order:: link and then when your transaction is complete, visit the Upload Your Files link to send your files to us.

35mm color slide We'll review your files and then print them directly to film using a device called a film recorder. Film recorders have a built-in 35mm camera and your files are printed directly onto the color slide film using a cathode ray tube as the light source. The slide film is processed E-6, mounted into plastic slide mounts and then we ship your slides to you using whatever option you picked.

35mm color slide Questions? Please email us or call 813-401-0013 Mon.-Sat. 9am to 9pm Eastern Time.

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13328 Center Ave
Largo FL 33773
(813) 401-0013

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