. 35mm color slides from your digital camera images ColorSlide.com 35mm Color Slides as low as $1.49 each!

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Imagine your digital camera images printed into beautiful 35mm color slides! Preserve your memories forever before your hard drive fails.

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Digital Camera Requirements...

35mm color slide Buy the most digital camera that you can afford. The more MegaPixels it has, the more pixels it will shoot and the sharper your slides will be. You need a minimum of a 2 MegaPixel camera to produce images with enough pixels for photo-quality slides.

  • Set your digital camera to shoot at the highest quality/largest file size and then leave them at that size. If you try to size up the resulting images with software, that does not improve the slides, it only creates larger files to send to us.
  • If the largest file your camera can shoot is a TIF image then those will produce great slides.
  • If the largest image your camera can shoot is a JPG image then those will also produce great slides. We can't see a difference between TIF images or JPG images unless the JPG images have a high compression ratio.
  • If you have a Nikon camera and it shoots NEF files, convert those to a TIF or a maximum quality JPG image with minimal compression.
35mm color slide Image file requirements:
  • Minimum file size: 900x600 pixels at 72 DPI. Smaller images may show the pixels and result in blurry slides.
  • Film Recorder page size: 2732x4096 pixels or 7.33x11 inches at 372 DPI. Files this size will result in the best slides you can produce. Many clients create large files like this and they ship the files to us on a CD if they don't have a broadband Internet connection for uploading to us.
  • Any file within those two extremes will produce sharp slides, but larger images with more pixels are the sharpest.
  • Use RGB Color Mode instead of CMYK Mode since we're not printing to paper with ink.
  • For TIF files use IBM PC byte order and LZW compression.
  • For JPG files, do all of your manipulation in some other file format (TIF, PSD, etc.) and then do one final save using the maximum quality/minimal compression setting. This will produce the largest file with the minimum compression and it will eliminate the JPG "lossy" effect. Multiple saves in the JPG format create the lossy effect.
  • Your images will be printed so your entire image fits in the 35mm rectangle. This is the default setting. We print your images at 95% of their possible size to minimize any cropping and any remaining space will be automatically filled with black. If you'd rather have a white fill (clear film) then let us know by email when you place your order.
  • We can also print them with automatic cropping that makes your image fill the 35mm rectangle entirely. On a horizontal image this setting will crop the top and bottom until the left and right sides fit in the 35mm rectangle. Let us know if you want this by email when you place your order.
35mm color slide Our preferred file formats are JPG and TIF, but we can also print these files:

  • Postscript (*.ps, *.prn, *.cps, *.eps) Rarely seen.
  • Adobe PDF (*.pdf) Choose a background color.
  • JPEG (*.jpg, *.jff, *.jtf) Most common.
  • TIFF (*.tif) Most common.
  • Targa (*.tga, *.rnd) Rarely seen.
  • Kodak FlashPix (*.fpx) Rarely seen.
  • PCX (*.pcx) Never seen.
  • GIF (*.gif) Only 256 colors so avoid this.
  • SGI graphics format (*.sgi) Never seen.
  • Photo CD (*.pcd) Never seen.
  • CALS (*.cal) Never seen.
  • SUN Raster (*.ras) Never seen.
  • Windows & OS/2 Bitmap (*.bmp) Shows the pixels more than JPG.
  • Photoshop (*.psd) Layers do not print, so save as JPG or TIF.
  • Portable Network Graphics (*.png) Most common.

35mm color slide Please name your files with something that helps us separate yours from others, i.e. your-last-name01.jpg, etc. Mac Users please note: We need the dot and 3 letter file name extension so the computers know what type of file to print.

35mm color slide Thank you for sending us the work!

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cclogos.jpg - 18219 Bytes

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