Digital Images Printed to Color Slides or Your Slides Scanned to Digital
35mm Slides into Prints
How to Convert 35mm Slides into Prints
Convert your slides into prints!
How can you get your old 35mm slides turned into prints? You need a digital image that you can take to your local photo finishing place like Walmart or Walgreens.
They will print your digital images, so you need to convert your old slides into digital images first, view them, and then take the images to have prints made. Or print them with your own printer on photo paper.
That’s where I come in. I’ve been scanning slides for 25 years! Send in your slides and I’ll scan them and put them onto your USB drive that you provide (or I sell them cheap.)
Scans come in 3 resolutions and 3 prices. Plus you can get prints made from your scanned slides. See the current prices at: Shop – Digitize Your Slides
Use the USB drive to view the images on your TV or computer. View the best images and make note of their names. Share online and take your USB drive to a local photofinisher. Simple!
I earned a BA in Photography from The Ohio State University and I've been producing slides with film recorders since 1996 when a 14.4 baud phone modem was "high speed Internet!" I've also scanned slides and negatives since then. Slides are my life!